I was strolling down the aisle at a local hobby store today and observed someone restocking a shelf and somewhat lost in her work. As I approached, she looked up and I smiled whispering "hello" to her as I walked by. She instantly smiled and mouthed back a greeting in similar fashion. It was then that whatever melancholy mood I was in suddenly evaporated. It was as if her return smile cut through the mundane fog and I could think and see clearly.
Have you ever met someone and before even one word is uttered, there's a little jolt in the air, as if some electrical charge is trying to jump between you and the person you just met? I'm curious if there are others out there that have entered into a conversation where such a thing has happened and left someone feeling "light-headed" (which I admit has happened to me on more than one occasion!)
It's been said that all people on the planet are connected to each other.
Everything is Energy. "All objects in the universe, including human bodies, are composed of energy. That energy is the foundation of all matter, and exchanges with everything else. The same energy that composes one person, composes all people. Energy is always flowing, always changing" (https://patimes.org/connected/)
This was a concept the ancient African people were well aware of and they called it "Ubuntu", meaning "I am what I am because of who we all are."
It illustrates connectivity but how does it explain the various levels of intense connections we have with people (and why some leave us breathless and lightheaded?!)
Some say it deals with levels of shyness and attraction between people, and I can see how those factors come into play. If there's intense attraction to the other party, the body goes into a "fight or flight" response and pretty soon the heart beats quicker and the breath gets shorter.
It's funny how the body thinks meeting new people is a dangerous event and goes through this response phase even though we are all social creatures by design and are meant to interact and connect.
"Humans deprived of social connections become surprisingly unhealthy, rather quickly." (Forbes). Psychologist Maslow and his "Hierarchy of Needs" stated connectivity and belonging were right up there in importance right after biological and safety needs were met, and he wasn't wrong. In the retail industry, I've seen people go into stores with no intent to buy, but to find someone they could talk to because it had been a while since they had meaningful connections and conversations.
I'd like to think that either their personality or mine had the ability to cause such a reaction like lightheadedness between both parties and that this brief encounter should be explored more thoroughly. But then again, it could be the low blood sugar level response kicking in.
I've challenged myself to open up more to strangers and hear what they have to say and how they view the world around them. I challenge you to do the same. We all might learn that we're not too different in our views, interests, loves and passions. I can't wait to find out more about what you and others have to say and hope to be able to put them here as an homage/ record of life.